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Dathomir         Empty Dathomir

Post  Janus Vhett 05/11/11, 08:15 pm

Dathomir         305px-Dathomir

Dathomir was an obscure planet in the Outer Rim Territories, located in the Quelii sector. It was somewhat smaller than Coruscant in size, and had slightly-below-standard gravity, but the planetary day was close to standard, and the planetary year was long, lasting 491 days. Dathomir had four moons.

Dathomir         305px-Nightsister_Patrol_Leader
Dathomir         305px-NammanCha-TNR

Dathomir was considered a temperate and beautiful planet by Human standards, with a varied terrain that included coastal lakes and tar-pits, thick forests and snow-capped mountain peaks, powerful rivers and broad savannas, small icecaps and dramatic rift valleys. Even under the New Republic, however, nine-tenths of the planet remained unexplored and uninhabited, with the population limited to a relatively small area along the edge of one of the three main continents, a zone of uplands and river plains bounded on one side by the unsailed ocean and on the other by vast expanses of desert.

Dathomir         718px-DathomirtcwDathomir         640px-Dathomir-SWGconcept

Janus Vhett
Janus Vhett

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 03:30 am

*Dathomir was a quite place and had been for many years as the empire grows in strenght. There many hidden base's across the galaxy made it hard for the republic and jedi to find any of them. But now was the time, the time for the Empire to grow even more. With part of its fleet out on missions the Empress keeps herself hidden from all for there will be a time when she will show all the true meaning of the darkside. Hidden deep in her underground lair she plots the down fall of the jedi and the galaxy. Now was the time to contacted her many followers and her fleet to get her updated on the mission's in hand.*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 06/11/11, 03:18 pm

*Admiral Kayet entered the throne room of Selene Moon. He then rose and spoke.*

"All ships are in position, we await your command to strike at the heart of the Alliance. You just need to pick which planet will fall first."

*Meanwhile, in the next chamber wait the Empress's First a elite group put together by the Admiral to attack the Jedi Temple. Two simply outlines of a play kill all the Jedi and crush the Alliance capital. *

"And the First are ready to have inspect them."
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 05:57 pm

*The Empress had just finish a speaking with the commando unit on Tatoonie, She turns to the Admiral with a displeased look on her face and she walks towards him and raised a hand to hit him but held it back.*

Send more troops to Tatoonie i will not let a small pocket of people keep us from our goals do it now Admiral.

*Turn and walking past him to see the First she waves him to follow her. She looks over the first fine unit it was*

Send part of the unit to Tatoonie as well i feel a jedi is there.

*She turn to the Admiral and speaks to him.*

Admiral i want the Mando's to join us either they join us or they fall like the rest. You will send someone you trust to make it happen. Do i make myself clear?
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 06/11/11, 06:08 pm

*Admiral Kayet bows.*

"As you wish my Lady."

*He then raised his hand in protest.*

"With all do respect regarding the Mandos I feel they will want to have a more open relationship. Meaning we may need to let there leader come to are Capital."

*He brought attention to the word capital. Clearly meaning Bastion.*

Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 06:23 pm

*Selene turns back to the Admiral his comments had merit.*

You feel that it would go smoother if there leader meet me in the capital, Very well set a meeting if you can but keep it quite.

*Then her mind wonders to the strike team on Tatoonie*

The strike team has fallen on Tatoonie what do you surgest?
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 06/11/11, 06:33 pm

*Admiral Kayet nods.*

"Very Well."

*He then pondered the sandbox situation.*

"Well the place has little value yet maybe it can be dealt with in other ways then a military for there. If we cut of the large slugs head the other Hutts will fight for control. "

*One thing was true the Hutts needed to be weakened.*
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 06:43 pm

*Selene ponders for the moment, Her mind full of tricks.*

This is what i want you to do send your best people to Tatoonie they are to blend in and when the time is right strike out at the hutts they must leave information leading there action back to another hutt. And then the in fighting should begin. If not we can give them a little push send in our agents.

*Selene went back to the throne room and sits waving the Admiral to follow. She the lowers the hood showing her face and long flowing purple hair.*

What other news do you have Admiral, What of the Hapen? And the Jedi.
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 06/11/11, 06:51 pm

*Admiral Kayet nods.*

"It shall be done. I am sure we can handle the Hutts."

*He followed and then spoke about the other governments.*

"Since Grand Master Teken has died the Jedi are slow to regain strength yet they sadly were barely weakened. As for the Hapes Consortium I would reach out to them. They might be more willingly to join us over the Mandos. However I do not think they would be willing to help in attacking the Jedi."

Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 07:01 pm

*Selene gave a evil look to the admiral*

The jedi maybe weak but there are always a pain never forget that. As for the Hapen queen send a message to her asking to meet with me in the capital. Now go and do as i ask Admiral if all goes to plan you my friend will become the next Grand Moff of the Empire.
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 06/11/11, 07:07 pm

*Admiral Kayet bowed a final time.*

"It will be done my Lady"

*He said with a smirk and left the throne room to do as order relay the message to the Queen Mother.*
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 06/11/11, 11:22 pm

*As the Admiral leaves Selene barks orders to her handmaidens and her guards highly trained in combat and the uses of the force.*

Prepare for a trip to the capital i want to leave with in the hour

*As soon as the orders left her lips everything was being prepared*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 07/11/11, 12:52 am

*The Empress party heads to the transport and they leave for the SSD that will take her empress to Bastion. Once on board she head to bridge flanked by her personal guards. She sits in her throne and watches as the small convoy jumps to hyperspace on its way to Bastion.*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 12/11/11, 06:06 am

*All was going to plan the GA/Mando fleets had attacked the capital just as the empress had seen. Secretly things were going very much easy on Dathmori. The Clan of Nightsisters Keep order from the citadel while the empress secret base was still hidden from all. Strange really they sisters didn't know why they were not called apon to battle. She had a greater purpose for them She had train them all to be like her. A planet full of little empress ready to take the galaxy by the throat.*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 15/11/11, 01:51 am

*Nightsisters are contacted through secret channels and ready for there guest and leader to return from her location. The Matriarch who was incharge of the sisters while the Empress was away and when other came but she always anwser to her. Her name was Juno fox and 6ft red hair lady around 28 years of age she keeps control and trains any new members who are chosen to join the nightsisters.*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 15/11/11, 01:59 am

*The Sith Infiltrator enters orbit and heads down to the planet, even though this system was safe it was not until the ship reached that hanger that it uncloaked. The Commander then awaited for the Empress to depart the ship so he could make sure she made it safely to the Nightsisters. *
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Selene Moon 15/11/11, 02:13 am

*The empress smiles at the commander*

Didn't i tell you not to worry. tell the admiral that the plan is going well, they really think they have a victory hahahaha.........Good bye commander.

*The empress leaves the ship and is greeted by Juno who is on her kne as she comes down the ramp.*

My lady welcome home.

*She waves her to her feet, which she does and they walk together*

Thank you Juno and i take it that everything is going to plan here.

Yes, all is well 75% are as you commanded

Good juno good its time to move things along more you know what you have to do.

Yes my lady i shall send out the elders now.

As always juno you are what i could hope for. Now leave me while i meditate..

*Juno nods and head to the Elders to start there mission. Juno takes her place in the Nightsisters throne room as there leader. While The empress heads to a private place to meditate.*
Selene Moon
Selene Moon

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 15/11/11, 02:22 am

*The Commander bows as in accepatance of the order and in respect as the Empress left. He as said enough "yes my Lady" for one day. Surely the Empress knows her respect will be made even as a reply does not come. It was very rare that a resquest of her's was not meet.*
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Drake Firestar 19/11/11, 01:25 am

=Dark Ghost=
*A message would come in from deep space sent from the Helix-Class Light Interceptor Ghost had taken. It was an automated message so there was no one actually there but t was full of so many wonderful things fr the Empress to hear.*

=Automated Message=
...Message from Helix-Class Interceptor
....Hapan information acquired listing now
*A bunch of information begins to scroll by including force deployment to several allied planets and to patrol their own boarders. There was information on safe hyperspace routes to take into Hapes, Size of forces they had and so much more.*
....Message from Ghost
*A recorded holoimage of Ghost would show up with him making the peace sign with his fingers. After that some bank acount information was all that followed which would allow them to transfer the money into a bank account which it would then from there be automatically transferred to his personal bank account leaving no trace that he had worked for the Empire.*
...End transmission.
Drake Firestar
Drake Firestar

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 20/11/11, 06:03 pm

*The bulk of the imperial fleet now rested over Dathomir. Admiral Kayet stood in deep thought, a shuttle had recently entered orbit and requested assistance due to being attacked. There forces were being stretched way to thin. There was only one option rebuild and make sure their enemies were to busy to stop the rebuilding.*

=Admiral Kayet=
"Ready every small team and evasion squad. I need to know everyone we can send it with out needed a fleet escort, it is are time to strike back!"
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

Post  Admiral Kayet 21/11/11, 09:10 pm

*Admiral Kayet heads to a lamba shuttle which soon enters orbit. It was time for him to test his new weapon and hopefully seek revenge.*
Admiral Kayet
Admiral Kayet

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Dathomir         Empty Re: Dathomir

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